We get the opportunity to knock these guys off twice in 3 weeks and send a message to the comp, it also marks the coming of my favourite weekend of the year, the annual Redmen skivvy crawl.
I want to see skivvies of every colour. I want to see those tight fitting, neck hugging, hickey covering numbers slapped across the backs of a club of victorious Redmen. I want to see rolled up chinos in mulberry, rust and limestone colours, cable knit sweaters tied loosely over the shoulders, suede elbow patches on hounds tooth blazers and loafers in pastel shades. Give me that much, gentlemen.
The bus will leave Colleagues’ club house after first grade speeches, which you are all encouraged to attend (come for the free beer, stay for my insight and wit), stopping off at the Royal in Paddington for a few rounds en route to our final destination, the Woolloomooloo Bay Hotel to watch the Bledisloe Cup.
A word of warning for all: You will not get onto the bus without your skivvy. It is your travel 10 for the evening. For those who are game enough, I suggest BYO poodle.
In other important news the games times for this weekend are as below:
Sat v Colleagues at Woollahra (Manion Ave, Rose Bay):
Woollahra # 2 Woollahra # 3
5's at 11.05 am Colts at 12.45 pm
4's at 12.00 pm
3's at 12.55 pm
2's at 2.00 pm
1's at 3.15 pm
Yours in a red skivvy,