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Friday, 15 May 2009

INTERVIEW - John Kouvelis

I have been meaning to catch up with my old mate John Kouvelis for some time, so it was good to see him, even if it was for only a few minutes. 

Location of interview
OIRFC 40th Anniversary Dinner, Hilton Hotel, Grand Ballroom, Gentlemen’s bathroom, Urinal number 2 & 3. I don't share)

TV - G’day John, What a great night. I have had a few and am swarting to slurr (hic).
JK - Boggy!  How are they hanging . . . What a great night . . .  It is great having a few beers with my old 1969 Dinosaur mates and reminiscing.

TV - Mate I was a bit suuurrrprised you were named in the pu. . . pu. . . puggil . . . pugilissst (hic) . . . I mean fighting team of the century? 
JK - It is was only the first 40 years so it is hardly the Pugilist team of “The Century”. 

TV - Ah Yeah,  but I didn't know you were a pu. . . pu. . . puggil . . . pugilissst . . . (hic) I mean a fighter.
JK - Well, it is quite simple. When you are slow as me you and you finally catch someone you need to make it count.  Understand?

TV - No idea what you mean.  I am officially the slo . . .  slow . . . (hic) slowest person ever to play for Old Iggies and I never hit anyone.
JK - Well to tell you the truth it I only ever hit one (1) person and the rest is really a myth . 

TV– Huh?
JK - You know like the guy that roots just one (1) goat and for the rest of his life all his mates call him a “goatf#cker”.

TV -  Nah Nah Nah! No idea what your stalking about (hic). Are you saying you had sex with a goat...... Huh?  Hic.
JK - Listen mate I have had it with your drunken bull. . . .  <<Insert a few seconds of memory loss and then . . . . well look at the photo >>

JK - Well to tell you the truth I only ever hit two (2) people and the rest is really a myth.

Just so I don't get sued.... I made this up and in the photo I was hit by a cricket ball... Not JK

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